20 Lessons Learned in 2020 (& Yearly Wrap Up)

Photo by YURI MANEI on Pexels.com

20 Lessons Learned in 2020 (& Yearly Wrap Up)

Greetings Everyone,

I hope you had an amazing and joyful holiday filled with sentimental and heartwarming memories! This goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway. This year has been chaotic. It’s as if a life was put in a bottle and shaken thoroughly. As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, people’s paths have changed, been re-directed, and lives have been molded differently. Experiences have been lived that would not have happened otherwise. I sincerely hope we all pull together and look at how this world can be better. I mean, we went through a pretty negative and, for some, depressing period. Some of my words and some of my content would have been shaped differently in posts (or not posted) if this had not happened.

Overall, this year has definitely been a year of change, probably more than any other year. So, it only seems fitting to write down some lessons learned this year. And, at the end, I’ll wrap everything up. But first, the list! I’ll divide the list into separate categories for an easier skimming experience.

(Life) Lessons Learned

1. Smile in each moment because they only last for a few seconds

2. Since moments are so brief, live life to the fullest. This is the best way to minimize regrets.

3. If you are waiting for the perfect moment, you’ll be waiting your life away.

4. I am more independent than I could have imagined. And, this is something I needed to experience.

5. People can tell you a plethora of things, but sometimes you have to come to the realization yourself.

6. Relapses help you become stronger.

7. Having a fresh attitude every day promotes a healthier and happier mindset.

8. Speaking of happiness, it should come from within. Mood should not be dictated by circumstance.

9. Who you are is not based on what someone else thinks of you.

10. Sometimes obstacles may drop onto my path, but this may happen because I’m supposed to take a different route to arrive at my purposeful destination.

11. Organized thoughts equals an organized life.

12. Self-Care is a health hack.

13. My voice is stronger than I once believed.

14. Giving up will definitely promote failure. It also lacks growth (and regret).

15. To defeat obstacles, you must address them.

(Educational) Lessons Learned

16. Google provides generalized knowledge, not specialized knowledge.

(Eco-Lifestyle) Lessons Learned

17. I thought about some of my lifestyle choices and realized I’m not living as eco-friendly as I should.

18. Some ways I can live more sustainably (I discovered this year) include using less paper products in the bathroom and kitchen, use re-usable utensils rather than plastic ones, buy less plastic and more sustainable and eco-friendly materials, and more.

Lessons Learned (in Quote Form)

19. “What lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do.” ~Aristotle

20. “The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead.” ~Aristotle

Wrap Up

I’ve learned so much this year. I would definitely say this was a year filled with personal growth. I learned many life lessons as well as being more conscious about eco-friendly decisions, and educational lessons. Two lessons, I felt, were best summed in quotes. I think this year has haulted our momentum, so I’m trying to keep the momentum I had previously this year and hope to continue rolling forward onto great achievements! I will continue sharing my journey with you in the new year, and I look forward to reading about your journey for 2021 as well!

I hope you learned something new from this post! And, I hope it encouraged you to achieve big goals and continue with your goals rather than letting present circumstances halt your progress. What are you planning and hoping to achieve in 2021? What lessons did you learn from 2020?

Continue Progressing,

Daphne Heathers

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